Key Interventions
Group Mobilization
Groups of mothers (Mata Mandali), adolescent girls (Kishori Samuha), children (Bal Sansad) and girl child (Meena Manch) have been formed and mobilized in Vaishali and Gaya districts to bring about behavior change for a healthy life. Besides, women self-help groups and farmers’ clubs were formed in Saran district and capacity of their members built for exploring livelihoods activities. Currently the groups are merged under the Jeevika Program supported by the Government of Bihar.
Social and Behavior Change
Mobilizing communities towards adopting preventive health behaviors and availing facilities of Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Health and Adolescent were undertaken in Vaishali with support of UNICEF. The effort resulted into capacity building of frontline health workers and revitalizing Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee for activating VHSNDs.
Forum of Faith Leaders
Collaborating with UNICEF to strengthen its Bihar Interfaith Forum for Children (BIFC) through increasing the membership FB leaders/ organization having significant reach in the communities, capacity building of these leaders and their cadre for addressing the children related issues and helping them plan and implement initiatives for joint state-level advocacy as well influencing change in practices of community /followers, through providing relevant information and materials, acknowledging their support and sustaining their engagement as key influencers for children and adolescents in Bihar.

Routine Immunization
In association with UNICEF the process of demand creation and social behavioral change towards promoting total immunization for children has been facilitated in Gaya district. The effort in Amas block of Gaya district resulted into more than 90 percent of children getting total immunization. The supply side mechanism also played a pivotal role in achieving this goal.
Capacity Development
For sustainability of the change process, it is imperative that the capacities of the program implementers are developed to enable them to perform efficiently. Hence, Vikasaarth has been engaged in capacity developed at various levels including from frontline workers to block, district and stare level functionaries of government as well as other civil society organizations. The organization till date has organized several trainings on women and child health, child education, HIV/ AIDS, gender rights, non-formal education, early childhood care and development and social and behavioral change communication.
Support Services
Vikasaarth Support Services (VSS), a unit established by Vikasaarth Trust, is a group of experienced and qualified development professionals endeavoring to provide technical and managerial support to development partners in achieving their social development goals. Key assignments undertaken in the recent past are related to baseline studies, project evaluation and facilitating training program.